Discovery Channel 台灣人物誌
昨晚在搭火車前,無意間看到跑馬燈上的活動宣傳: 台灣探索頻道 與 中華民國行政院新聞局 共同舉辦的 台灣人物誌 。連結過去就有很多詳細資訊了;不過在製作團隊徵選那個部分好像是到期了,至於個人的部分還是可以的,總之自己去看吧!
I got a information when taking a train back to Taipei last night: Discovery Channel Taiwan and Government Information Office, ROC hold a film production activity, named PORTRAITS TAIWAN . There's a lots detailed information about this activity through the link; it seems expiration for the competition of production team, but the personal part is still working.